

Immersed in the German and the Austria automotive industry

Immersed in the German and the Austria automotive industry from 11 to 15 of November!

During 5 days, we visited and met players of automotive industry in Germany and Austria: OEM, suppliers, research centres, university, clusters… Thank all for your welcome, for these fascinating discussions and for your listening BMW, TUM, OP Mobility, Magna Powertrain, AVL, Virtual Vehicle Research and many others…

During those 5 days, 12 French companies presented their expertise regarding the revolution in the automotive industry on PHEV / EV, powertrain, fuelcell development, AD / ADAS technologies, connectivity, weight constraints, batteries recycling, thermal management… french companies: FAVI, Gindre, INTEREP, Kipsum, Mithieux Metal Protect, Setforge, Sogefi Group, StatInf, SteerLight, Tresse Industrie, Bib batteries and Acsystème!

Conclusion: lots of collaboration to come between European countries on the automotive industry!

Thanks for this intense week to Business France, Business France Deutschland and Business France Österreich, and especially Gwendoline HEINRICH and Elisabeth FROSCHAUER.×563.jpeg
Visite BMW Munich×563.jpg
Visite Magna Steyr×563.jpeg
visite AVL Graz

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