

Mathworks Automotive Conference 2024

The 2024 edition of the Mathworks Automotive Conference was held in Sttutgart on 7 May.

Patrice Houizot attended the MathWorks automotive conference 2024 Europe in Stuttgart on 7 May to get a better idea of the changes underway in automotive engineering, and in particular those that are gradually leading us towards the ‘software defined vehicle’ (SDV). With almost 300 visitors, 100 organisations and 15 countries represented, it was a particularly rich day, with fascinating presentations, in particular on automated driving at Porsche, software architectures at ZF Group, and how Mathworks sees AI shaping the future of engineering design.

This was an opportunity to gauge the extent to which automation is permeating the entire development cycle of embedded algorithms, accelerating the rate at which new functionalities appear and shortening the ‘time to market’ of new products, by relying on new modelling and validation cycle management tools.

All the presentations can be found here.

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