LMCS 2015: National Day for 0D/1D Modelling and Simulation

General presentation

The National Day for Users of Modelling and Scientific Calculation Software (LMCS) took place on November 24th, 2015. Organised outside Paris for the first time, it took place at the Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique Centre (Beaulieu campus, Rennes, see Google Maps).

Whatever your field of application, you have come to share your modelling and simulation experiences using dedicated software (free or commercial)


Session 1 : analysis and compilation of models

Session 3 : 0D/1D process modelling

Session 4 : multi-simulations

Stands and demonstrations/laboratory posters

Stand booklet available here

Steering committee


This event was organised by:

  • EDF, Step (Simulation and information processing for the operation of production systems) department,
  • IFP Energies nouvelles, Applied mathematics and Mechatronics department,
  • Inria (Public research institute in digital sciences),
  • Esilv, Computer science and information intelligence department,
  • Acsystème (automation and signal processing expertise).

With the support of:

  • Meito: mission for electronics, IT, and telecommunications in the West,
  • Captronic: programme of the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry.



List of attendees

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