LMCS 2009: National Day for 0D/1D Modelling and Simulation
The National Day for Users of Modelling and Scientific Calculation Software (LMCS) took place on December 3rd, 2009, at Leonardo da Vinci University Centre at La Défense (France – 92)
The purpose of this open day is to enable participants to benefit from modelling and simulation experiences in different fields using free or commercial software: Scilab / Scicos (Inria), Amesim (Imagine), Matlab / Simulink (The Mathworks), Modelica (Modelica Association), Dymola (Dynasim), Maple (Maplesoft), Comsol Multiphysics (Comsol), Mathematica (Wolfram Research), Flowmaster (Flowmaster Ltd), etc.
This day is focused on the modelling and simulation of 0D-1D multiphysics systems with a particular interest in the problems of initialisation, parameter calibration, management of uncertainties, interface of models and platforms.
This day makes it possible to highlight the applications that can be produced using modelling software, and also to open the discussion on the advantages or disadvantages of the use of scientific software in the context of modelling and simulation.
This event is organised by:
- IFP Energies nouvelles (Institut français du pétrole) Applied mathematics department (as part of the scientific management clubs),
- EDF (Électricité de France) Step (Simulation and information processing for the operation of production systems) department,
- Acsystème (automation and signal processing expertise),
- Esilv (École supérieure d’ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci) Computer science and information intelligence department.
Morning session
- 09h00 – Z. Benjelloun-Dabaghi (IFP)
Opening of the day - 09h15 – E. Demay (EDF)
0D/1D modelling of hydraulic systems at EDF/R&D with Scilab/Scicos: examples of applications - 09h50 – B. Vidalie (Maplesoft)
Illustration of the added value of computer algebra for the design of aircraft piloting systems with Maple and Maplesim - 10h10 – J.-B. Lanfrey (The Mathworks)
Modelling and simulation of electric batteries with parameter estimation - 10h50 – M. Nakhlé (CS)
Presentation of collaborative projects in modelling/simulation of complex systems involving CS in the System@tic and Aerospace Valley centres - 11h25 – S. Déchelotte, O. Baudouin, A. Vacher (Prosim)
Simulis Thermodynamics, server for calculating the physical and chemical properties of fluids - 11h45 – J. Lanusse (Engine soft)
An optimised thermal design and development process for passenger compartments of vehicles - 12h15 – F. Barbier (ANR)
Cosinus call for projects
Afternoon session
- 14h00 – W. Marquis-Favre (INSA Lyon)
Methodology for the design of mechatronics systems – approach by reverse state model and bond graph language - 14h35 – J.-L. Ligier (Renault)
Simulation in Maple of the seizing of a lubricated system - 14h55 – M. Ben Gaid (IFP)
Xmod: an exchange, integration, and virtual prototyping platform for heterogeneous models - 15h45 – Y. Guyomarch (Meito)
Validation of a control system by simulation and rapid prototyping - 16h05 – H. Garnier, M. Gilson, V. Laurain (Cran)
Contsid: a Matlab toolbox for a data-based modelling of continuous-time dynamic systems - 16h25 – G. Santini (Biotic Consulting)
Biopolymer chain elasticity with Mathematica: a novel concept to fold DNA or RNA into 3-D hairpin structures - 16h45 – Z. Benjelloun-Dabaghi (IFP)
Discussions and closing of the day
Steering committee
The members of the steering committee are:
- Benjelloun-Dabaghi, IFP
- Bérengère Branchet (Esilv)
- Patrice Houizot, Acsystème
- Céline Thomas, EDF
- Daniel Bouskela, EDF
- Wilfrid Marquis-Favre, Insa Lyon