
Our goal:
reinforce your team of experts

Whether you are a car manufacturer, a supplier or a service company, we have been supporting you since 2002 in the development of algorithms, from the research and development phase through to industrialisation.

By applying the MBD (Model-Based Design) approach, our teams of experts have already provided support on many subjects: design of driving assistance functions (ADAS), energy optimisation, charge control for electric and hybrid vehicles, development of software sensors, implementation of validation environments, etc.

Let’s work together!

The thorns in your side

  • lack of qualified engineers
  • restrictive development schedule
  • lack of reactivity, autonomy and flexibility

Your major challenges

  • meeting the schedule
  • requiring quality
  • benefiting from expertise
  • having an autonomous team

What you will experience

  • transferring the technical subject in a few days
  • delegating the daily management of the project
  • gaining in technical expertise
  • receiving the deliverables on time
  • capitalising on your knowledge
  • taking advantages of a continuous improvement process

Our references

  • design, validation, and optimisation of driving aids (AD/ADAS)
  • energy management strategies for hybrid and electric vehicles
  • algorithm for detecting tyre under-inflation without a pressure gauge
  • event probability calculations (evidence-based grids) on Lidar data
  • multi-sensor data merger and object coherency calculations (safety check grid)

Our jargon

  • Matlab, Simulink, Stateflow, Simscape, Amesim,
  • Python, R,
  • modelling, simulation, optimisation,
  • prototyping, sizing, Model-Based Design,
  • MIL validation, ADAS, energy management strategy, powertrain, diagnosis, safety.

In practice

Powertrain control

For more than 10 years, Acsystème has cooperated with PSA in designing innovative powertrains. These innovations deal with the transmission system (robotised gearbox, clutch control …) or the whole powertrain, particularly with hybrid systems.

Design and validate AD / ADAS functions with ease

“Configure as a UAV”, robotise, automate, make autonomous… so many terms for your new project so that your system moves independently without human intervention.